Tanzania is the 13th largest country in Africa and is two times the size of the state of Texas. It is a beautiful country located in East Africa. It is home to the plains of the Serengeti.
67 million people live in Tanzania with 127 languages spoken, but the official languages are Swahili and English. There are 155 different people groups. 30% of Tanzanians are Muslims, 20% are animists and 11% are evangelical Christians.
Tanzania is one of the world's poorest countries, dominated by subsistence agriculture. 68% of Tanzanians live below the poverty line and live on $1.25 per day.
The rural areas of Tanzania face a great spiritual darkness. An estimated 75,000 witch doctors live in Tanzania. There are at least 7 million people who have yet to hear about Jesus in Tanzania. These least reached people live in an estimated 5,000 small villages where witchcraft, demonic worship and spiritual darkness have reigned for generations.
The church planters supported by 360Serve face great spiritual battles as they travel to evangelize and plant house churches in the least reached villages. The amazing miracle is that thousands are turning to Jesus and hundreds of house churches are being started.
The stories of how God is transforming lives in Tanzania are dramatic and moving.
Support a Tanzanian Church Planting Pastor
God is doing great things in Tanzania. The church planters in Tanzania are passionate and absolutely dedicated to reaching the unreached areas of Tanzania with the gospel of Jesus Christ. $50 a month sends one of these Tanzanian pastors into full-time gospel ministry where they can focus their attention on preaching the gospel and planting churches among the unreached for the glory of God!