Romania is a country of 20 million people located in Southeast Europe. It is close in size to the state of Utah. Its capital is Bucharest with a population of nearly 2 million. Seventy-five percent of the people live in the rural areas. Many consider Romania to be one of the most beautiful countries in Europe. It borders the Black Sea and hosts the Danube River and Carpathian Mountains.
Romania suffered under one of the Communist block’s most oppressive and cruel regimes. The revolution in 1989-1990 brought a parliamentary government, but an atheistic worldview of Communism persists that perpetuates numerous social, moral, economic and spiritual problems.
Only 6% of the country is evangelical Christian, yet the Lord has raised up a house church planting movement that has a big heart to evangelize the disenfranchised poor and to plant churches among the least reached.
The biggest challenge currently facing Romanian church planters, is the ongoing war in neighboring Ukraine. This challenge, however has also opened a wide door opportunity to share God’s love and the gospel with hundreds of Ukrainian refugees who are fleeing into Romania for their lives.
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Benjamin grew up in a Christian family, with one older brother. “I received Jesus in my life when I was 16 years old. I understood from when I was a child that God is calling me to serve Him fully but because I did not believe that God could work with someone like me, I was running away from this calling. For 10 years I worked as an Engineer and in the last few years, God reminded me that He did not give up on me. My heart started to change. In 2018 I began to work full time as a church planter.”
Rebecca grew up in a Christian family as well with one younger sister. “God spoke to me so clearly when I was 18 years old through John 21:15-17. I felt that Jesus was asking me the same question He asked Peter: Did I love Him wholeheartedly? I decided then to follow Jesus with my whole life and to work with Him in full time ministry. After college I did a Disciple Training School and now I serve full time in Romania.”
In Western Romania we are involved in planting two house churches with a majority gypsy population. We do home visits to the families in the area to pray for them and help them in their situation. We are also involved in a home building ministry. Together, with our ministry team, we build houses for families in need.