Help Build Lydia's Transformation Center In A Ugandan Prison
Because of the transformation of Lydia's life and because of her ministry with hundreds of prisoners over the years, the government and one of the prisons in Uganda has invited her to build a transformation center in the middle of the prison to reach the inmates with the life changing power of the gospel which she preaches.
"God has been with me all the way as I preach His Word in the prisons. I am happy because of the work I am doing. Dozens of inmates give their lives to Jesus every month." -Lydia
The entire transformation center can be built for $19,000
Help Build A Pioneer House Church In Uganda
You can help build a tin house church just like this in a completely unreached area in Uganda. These house churches will house a church planter and his family and it will also serve as a meeting space for the unreached people in this location. Pioneer house churches are 30 x 50 feet.
You can build the entire pioneer house church for $4,500
Help Complete Pastor Abby’s Church Roof in Uganda
This is a picture of Pastor Abby and some of the church family standing in front of the new structure of the church. This church is planted in a Muslim area. Another $7,143 is needed to complete the roof. FULLY FUNDED NOVEMBER 2024
Complete This Building For A Girls Safe House In Bangladesh
Imagine 100 orphan girls who have been rescued from being trafficked and abused on the streets of Bangladesh. This safe house is in need of the 5th and 6th floors to be complete.
This safe house for girls is staffed with amazing Christian parents who are loving these girls as if they were their own. It is a beautiful ministry. All the girls are ages 5 to 15 and they say hi and thank you!
You can finish the construction on this building for $85,000.
Help Build A Disciple Makers School In India For Young Women
A building like this will facilitate 100 young women aspiring church planters, ages 18-25 to go to school for 6 months to be trained to be world changers. They will be trained by master trainer church planters in Old Testament, New Testament, Bible theology, Church Planting Strategy & Skills. They will go out every afternoon and put into practice what they are learning. They must plant 5 house churches to graduate. $50,000 is needed to complete this project that will impact tens of thousands for Christ year after year. FULLY FUNDED MAY 2024
You Can Help Build Pastor Von's Church In Laos
Pastor Von is one of the church planters you support from Laos. He traveled to an unreached area to start a house church. He began to lead people to Jesus in this area. The authorities arrested him and sent him to prison for 9 months. But the church continued to grow. Pastor Von is now released and even though there is still much persecution, the church has now grown to 130 new believers, but they still have no church building.
This is a picture of Pastor Von and some of his church family standing where they would like to build a church. The entire church can be constructed for $15,700.
Build A Multipurpose House Church
The church will serve as a feeding center and minister to the community in the slum area of Metro Manila. The lot to build upon is located in the picture. $6,000 will completely build this church. FULLY FUNDED NOVEMBER 2024
Help Build A Discipleship Training Center In Sri Lanka
Pastor R and the church planting movement in Sri Lanka have worked very hard to raise the money to purchase this property where they have a vision to build the first Discipleship Training Center in Sri Lanka. The entire building can be constructed for $35,000. It will be able to house and train 40 students. Specs: Two stories, Dorm rooms for 20 men and for 20 women, Bathrooms, Kitchen, Dining, and two classrooms. FULLY FUNDED OCTOBER 2024!
Help Build A Harvest Center In Laos
A Harvest Center is the training ground to reach 13,000 unreached villages in Laos for Christ.
A Harvest Center is a farm in a rural area where a trained Laotian Pastor trains his biological kids (3-4) and adopted kids (20) in 1) personal spiritual growth 2) church planting skills and 3) farming skills. After they are fully trained they can gain access into an unreached village in Laos, start a self-sustaining farm that benefits the village and plant a house church in that village. Hundreds of house churches have been planted in Laos by following this sustainable strategy.
There are three parts to funding a Harvest Center.
$30,000 funds an entire Harvest Center or you can give any portion which will go toward the total funding of the next Harvest Center
Step 1: Purchase a 15 acre piece of land in a rural area $10,000
Step 2: Build of a farm house where a family of 30 receive training $10,000
Step 3: Purchase needed farming equipment and materials $10,000
Help Build Pastor Ibolis' Church in Tanzania
Pastor Ibolis has a dream to build the first church in this community in Tanzania. The entire church that will seat 100 people can be constructed for $18,000.
Help A Pastor Purchase A Small Plot Of Land For Growing Food
The church planters you support often move their entire family to a least reached area in a small rural area to evangelize those who have never heard of Jesus and where there has never been a church. They can afford a very small house in which to live, but they often cannot afford a piece of land upon which they can grow food to help feed their family. You can give a plot of land for $500
Thank you for helping us purchase land for family food, it was like a dream for us as a family. We used to sleep on empty stomachs because there has not been enough food on our island but now, we shall never sleep without food. My eyes were filled with tears after receiving the money, it was so kind of you, and I feel truly blessed by your generosity.
Thank you so much,
Pastor Zacharia and family | Tanzania