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Sierra Leone has a population of 7 million, 60% Muslim, 30% Christian and 10% African Traditional Religion with tens of thousands of Muslims coming to Christ. The civil war from 1990-2012 devastated the country socially and economically. Over 10,000 people were killed, 2 million fled for their lives from their homes. Thousands were raped and had arms amputated by heartless rebels who abducted, brainwashed and trained child soldiers to kill. All this led to a massive economic collapse that plummeted Sierra Leone to one of the five poorest countries in the world. Today there is 80% unemployment where the average person makes $340 per year and lives on one dollar or less a day. In the midst of this devastation there is an incredible movement of God breaking out all over Sierra Leone. In the last ten years 350,000 Muslims have come to Christ in this part of the world. It’s truly remarkable. The church is exploding. 360Serve has the opportunity to come along side and encourage this amazing work of God.

Support a Church Planting Pastor from Sierra Leone

It was an honor to meet dozens of church planters who God is using in Sierra Leone. How does a church get started in Sierra Leone? A church planter will leave his home and travel into a region where there are no Christians. He will walk the streets praying, asking God to lead him to a “person of peace” or someone who is open to him facilitating a Bible study from their house. Friends are invited to the Bible study. The gospel will eventually be presented and people begin coming to Christ. Once a core group of Christians is established, a trained pastor will come to pastor the small flock and the church planter will move on to a new location where there are no Christians. This is happening all over Sierra Leone. Hundreds of churches are being started in this manner. These church planters face tremendous persecution. Many of them face rejection and often beatings. If they are married, they are unable to travel with their wives, for the risk is too great. Please be praying for these courageous church planters. You can support a church planter for $50.00 per month.