
Bangladesh is the 8th most populated country in the world with 170 million people. That’s a lot of people in a very small area. Bangladesh has roughly half the population of the United States but the United States is 68 times larger in size! California has only 38 million people. Imagine 170 million people living in California. California is larger in square miles than the entire country of Bangladesh. Additionally, Bangladesh is one of the world’s poorest nations with half the population living on less than $1 per day. Overpopulation, natural disasters, political corruption and forced slavery are just some of the challenges. Bangladesh is 94% Muslim, 5% Hindu and 0.2% Christian. Most of Bangladesh is unreached but God is at work in powerful ways in various areas. The evangelical church is growing in Bangladesh and it’s a thrill to join God’s work and workers in this area of the world.

Listen to the 360Serve Podcast episodes featuring what God is doing in Bangladesh and learn how you can join the movement!


Support a Bangladeshi Church Planting Pastor

God is at work in Bangladesh. People are responding to the gospel by the hundreds as faithful, dedicated evangelists and pastors reach their villages for Christ. As I have met these church planters it is evident that they have gentle spirits but they are as bold as lions. It’s not easy being a Christian and especially a church planter in Bangladesh. There is much persecution. One church planter told me about how his name was printed publicly on a list and threatened to be killed unless he moved out of the country. He told me, “This is where God has called me and if I die, I die.” This is the dedication and commitment of these dear church planters and evangelists. For $50.00 per month you can support a Bangladesh church planter.