The Andaman and Nicobar islands consist of a group of 836 tropical islands of which 31 are inhabited. The islands are an archipelago located in the Bay of Bengal and are a territory of India. The islands are separated into two categories, the Andaman islands to the north and the Nicobar islands to the south. Port Blair is the capital where 108,000 live. Hindi is the primary language and the majority of the people are Hindu.

These islands are known for their palm-lined, white-sand beaches, mangroves, tropical rainforests and coral reefs.

There are 451,000 people who live on these islands. There are a total of 286 people groups, of which 247 are considered unreached. Approximately 20% of the population has trusted in Jesus, but there are still tens of thousands on the difficult to reach islands and villages that have yet to hear about Jesus. 360Serve is supporting church planters who have a vision to reach all 749 villages on these islands with the gospel.

Over the last three months, these pastors have shared the gospel with 1,840 people, 106 have trusted in Jesus as Savior and Lord and 24 house churches have been started. Hallelujah!

Please be praying for this church planting movement. Pray that God will protect and use these church planters in powerful ways as they continue to share the gospel and plant house churches among the least reached people groups on these islands.

If you would like to support one of these indigenous church planting pastors at $50 per month, simply click on the give button.